Evolver is catalyzing the evolution of self-organizing intelligence in organizations.


Evolver's executive team unites world-class leaders in business, technology, and AI, combining deep industry expertise with a track record of innovation to drive transformative change in enterprise solutions.

Nicola Morini Bianzino

Founder & CEO

Former Global CTO, EY & MD, Accenture

Luis Vargas
Founder & CTO

Former VP of AI, Microsoft

David Kane
Founder & Finance CEO
Rob Hutter
Founder & Chief Alchemist

Managing Partner, Learn Capital

Jim Hunter
Co-Founder & Tax CEO

Former Managing Partner / Global Tax, EY

Rob Abel
Co-Founder & Tax CRO

Former Tax Partner, EY

Mario Schlener
Co-Founder, Business Labs CEO

Former Managing Partner, EY

Mark Luquire
Co-Founder & COO

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